Saturday, March 3, 2012

Email: February 27th

Hey everyone, This past week started off by losing our apartment keys. We all went sledding as a district for P-day and the keys went missing during that time. Sister Tate and I spent the rest of our P-day in our wet clothes trying to find someone who could make a mold out of our key lock and give us a new key for our apt. It wasnt possible with the key we have. Soooo we sat outside our front door as 3 men worked on breaking into our apt and installing a NEW lock and a new set of keys to us for a good...4 hours. It was kind of stressful. I had to call the landlord and what not. I always get extra nervous when I have to call the Landlord about something. Landlords here are all business and I freak out thinking I wont understand something they say to me. Oh bulgarian. We had one lesson this week. One. The work is slow, thats for sure. Sister Tate and I went to go visit a lot of members but they were either 1) not home 2) they didnt live there anymore or 3) they wouldnt open the door to us. I tried calling people but their number was always wrong or I had a "mistake". It was kind of annoying but thats missionary work. We set up lessons with people we had met and received numbers on the street but all of them flaked except for the one lesson we had. Being in Blagoevgrad is starting to drive Sister Tate a little crazy. Shes so used to the work and busy-ness of Sofia that being here in a small city where we really have to build up the work is annoying her. I told her that it takes patience to find people even if its tedious at times. She told me that she has no patience. I laughed and said, "Dont worry, your mission will teach you to have patience" Haha. She has confided in me in some other mission things and I see a lot of me in her when I was her mission age. Her and I enjoy serving together. We work the same pace and really want to teach someone. I know that as we pray, do whats right and work hard, the people will come. It just takes some time. Even if she goes a little bonkers at times lol. She asked me why it was soooo hard to find people here. I just smiled and said, "Bulgaria is a hard mission...." I dont know what else to say lol. Some transfers its all about finding people and having the first lesson a lot...and some transfers are all about lessons and teaching people. The work varies. Shes seeing another light of the mission right now and I think its good for her. We all go through it one time or another. What doesnt kill you strengthens you. Eh? Anyway, if anyone wants to do a good deed for a sister missionary they can send her a big bag of Peanut Butter M&M's. Im CRAVING them. Love you all! Pray that the work can really take flight here in Blago! -Sister Kinkead

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