Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Email: April 25th

Hey everyone,

Hows it going? This week was emotionally hard for me and very stressful. Lots of emotions playing in my head these days. The mission is a rollercoaster...and right now Im at the point where Im going up for the loop and I just want to throw up..I just want a break from it all hehe.

Easter was nothing special. I totally forgot that it WAS easter until we went to church hehe...Its better not to remember holidays because then you dont get trunky. Ya? Good idea, I think. After church we (the whole branch and the missionaries) ate some hard-boiled-colored easter eggs and had some special bread. Bulgarians play this game where you have to smash your egg with someone elses. Whose ever egg cracks first loses. Its a pretty entertaining game, I must say hehe. The rest of the day was...blah.

Rogers and I went to Veliko Turnovo again this week. We went to the new Mcdonalds that opened there. Oh my gosh. Talk about a once in a life time experience. There was a line all the way out to the road and there were security guards watching the door, only letting a few people in at a time. I thought it was hilarious and got a picture of all the madness. I asked the cops if I could get a picture with them but they said no. They just didnt want to be humilitated hahaha. Bulgarians and Mcdonalds...they love it..hates Americans but love Mcdonalds hahahaha.

Afterwards, We met with this 18 yr old boy who is a recent convert. He can speak english so it gave me a chance to really show my true self to a bulgarian. I just want to say that hes an awesome kid. We went to his house to teach him and as Sister Rogers says, "He lives in a very humble home". They are very poor and I made the mistake of asking to use the bathroom. Efgeni, thats the boys name, ushered me to an outhouse and I was a bit shocked but I played it cool hehe. We had a wonderful lesson with him and his dad and both are very strong members. I could feel the love Heavenly Father had for them and I testified of it. Efgeni's dad looks at me and says, "You came 2000 miles just to come to my home and teach me?" I shook my head and sure, "I sure did!!!" Oh man. I love them both so much. Good people...even if they have nothing. Efgeni also reminds me of Cyrus. Efgeni is 18 and loves to play soccer. Ohhh man. I miss my siblings!

Rogers and I had the opportunity to go to Losenets this past week. Its the gypsy community thats far out of town. Bulgarians dont like gypsies..very racist towards them so the gypsies live in their own little community..which can be a little dangerous. We went in to contact a woman who wanted a book of Mormon. Alllllll these kids were following us and some of them couldnt even speak ENGLISH. Im pretty sure some of them were speaking spanish hahaha. We dropped the Book of Mormon off and as we were walking out of Losenets these guys make noises at Sister Rogers and try to brush her cheek with their hands. Ugh. Crazy place...needless to say, we had the Elders with us the whole entire time..we did not go alone.

We went back again later in the week to contact the woman to see what she thought of the book of mormon...she didnt say much and told us she couldnt meet with us.. :/ We tried though, ya? All the little kids came running up to me, hugging me and holding my hand. Awwwww. I love it. Today were getting together with all of the kids to play a game of american football. Elder Morgan played for the BYU football team 3 years in a row and has asked these gypsy kids to take him on. You better believe Im gonna get pictures of this hahaha.

Anyways..thats all for now. Lek Den.

-Sister Kinkead

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